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This survey is about your experience of the Waterfall Illusion. Please follow the instructions for how to experience the effect here and pay attention to your subsequent experience. Feel free to experience the illusion several times when answering the survey. It will take around 5 minutes to complete and will be used in academic research to find out about people's experience of the illusion. Collated results that do not identify individuals may appear on the Illusions Index.

1.1. What age are you?
2.2. What is your gender?
3.3. Is your sight normal or normal when wearing glasses or contact lenses?
4.4. How strongly did you experience the illusory motion?

Please select no more than 1 answer(s).

5.5. To what extent do you agree with the following statement: In my experience, the dots appeared to be moving and changing position.

Please select no more than 1 answer(s).

6.6. To what extent do you agree with the following statement: In my experience, the dots appeared to be moving yet not changing position.

Please select no more than 1 answer(s).

7.7. To what extent do you agree with the following statement: In my experience, the dots appeared to be moving and changing position, but then jumping back to their original position before moving again.

Please select no more than 1 answer(s).

8.8. To what extent do you agree with the following statement: In my experience, the dots appeared to be moving and changing position outside of the centre of my vision, but stationary right in the centre.

Please select no more than 1 answer(s).